We're Bee's! (with Glasses on!)

Mr W and I had a nice relaxing day at home just pottering in the garden. Well, I did the relaxing kind of pottering - Mr W's pottering consisted of digging, sawing, sanding, filing, hammering and a little bit of swearing that he had run out of wood then the hitting of a Squash ball.

The neighbours all around have been particularly annoying today. On one side, we were woken by very loud talking at midnight, then again at 9am and some more neighbours were having a bit of a party a few doors down, so today I didn't care how loud my music was and thoroughly enjoyed having it on whilst Pottering!

Daughter Number 1 then popped in for dinner to tell us all about her trip that she spent the whole time wishing would end! She was so happy to be back on the plane home, back with her Kittens, back in her own bed, back with her car and back where she belongs. She's banned fro all future holidays!

She wouldn't let me blip her as she looked 'rank' (another word for hungover!) so we had a bit of fun on Snapchat. We laughed so much we couldn't breath. Our favourite was the Bee's that actually changed your voice to sound like a Bee...or what you think a Bee might sound like - more like a child! 

Oh how we laughed and laughed !


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