
By DramaQueen


Today has been a much better day.

It started with all my emails being back where they belong. I don't know where they've been, but I'm glad I've got them back!

So tonight has been spent printing off stuff for the holiday and backing up other important documents.....just in case.

I've also had a quick tidy up that was all that was needed after being home alone for the past week, ready for Mr A's homecoming tomorrow. I can't wait to see him, it feels like ages, certainly more than a week.

I also tidied the garden as that's one of the first places he'll check on. Whilst doing that, I noticed this hydrangea had started to flower. It's one of the plants we took from my friends house before she moved. It must be happy in its new home if it's flowering.

I like the flowers on this, they're like little fireworks :-)

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