
By DramaQueen


What a day!

I forgot to take my tablet last night, thinking I'd be ok.....wrong! I was up most of the night.
After having to work yesterday, I was looking forward to a lie in, but then my Sister invited me out for the day with her and the kids so I had to be up early to get ready.

So off I went to Mums, to meet the gang. And we waited.....and waited.....and waited.

We got a text saying they'd had an emergency at home (a leak in the bathroom) so she wouldn't be with us til about 1pm.

So we waited some more, and finally at 1.36pm she messaged to say they weren't going to bother going out after all!!!!!
To be fair, the leak has caused quite a lot of damage as it's been ongoing since Friday, but I think it was a bit much to keep us hanging around.
Mum was knackered; she'd told me on Friday she was looking forward to 2 days rest from the children, but ended up entertaining them (& my sister) for 8 hours yesterday, while Daddy tried to fix the leak.

I called round to my sisters this afternoon as I didn't want to let Theo down; he'd been told he would see me today and sounded really excited about it on the phone last night.

After all that, I came home and did the stuff I've been putting off all week; my ironing, filing receipts for year end and catching up with emails.

Except, when I logged into my email account, all my messages have gone! I keep important stuff (like documents for work and holiday info) in separate email folders; these too have all vanished. Disaster!!!!
I've contacted tech support to see if they can retrieve everything (sometimes they can); I know everything was still there on Wednesday as I used an email from one of my folders to send a document to a lady at work.
Fingers crossed they can get everything back for me as I don't know where to start.

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