
By Purko

Whistlers Peak

No more orienteering until next Saturday, so today we ventured back into the National park for a trip up Whistlers Peak. Due to it's close proximity to Jasper, it has a cable car to within 200m climb of the summit -saving several hours and over 1km of vertical climb. This is the option that mum, dad, and injury recovering brother took.
I however, thought this would be a great opportunity to run up a mountain. There was a well trodden single track path zig zagging it's way up the mountain. Since I was running in prime bear country on my own, I attached a cow-bell to my bumbag, and shouted and clapped every so often to scare them off. 
The peak had a similar atmosphere to Snowdon at the top, I arrived, hot and sweaty, to crowds of tourists who have just travelled up with ease on the cable car, ready to commence their 1mile hike to the top. Since there were soo many tourists, I arrived at the top 40mins before my parents who had to wait at the bottom, so sadly I wasn't to keen to hang around for a group photo at the top.

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