Bonkers and Yellowbellies

... or Rhagonycha fulva and Sciara hemerobioides to give them there Sunday names, if I've got my IDs right.
Today we went to a couple of adjacent reserves near Bolsover in Derbyshire: Carr Vale and Peter Fiddler reserves. Carr Vale in supposed to be particularly good for dragonflies. We did see a few - mainly brown hawkers - and quite a few damselflies too, but not really a huge number - on a good day, I've seen a lot more at RSPB Old Moor. However, there were lots of insects of all kinds around, so I spent most of my time trying to capture them (digitally, that is). It was a pleasant day out and the weather stayed fine for most of the day, until a mid-afternoon shower just as we were thinking of setting homewards.

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