A Frog's Idea of Heaven

Dear Diary,

It is so wonderful to visit my friend's lovely pond not far from my house.  They have to come and get me as my little car wouldn't make it up the rough mountain road to their house.  The spring-fed pond was carved out of a boggy area years ago and now it is a perfect sanctuary for their huge population of frogs and turtles.  I look forward to trying to get a really good frog portrait each year.

I sat for some time on the edge just waiting.  The sun was a little harsh, the water flat.  There were 7 or 8 large frogs lazily floating in the pond.  I thought that this must be a perfect heaven for them.  One little fellow floated quite close by but the light wasn't right.  Then, a cloud softened the sun's glare and a little breeze began to ruffle the surface of the pond and I knew that this was the moment.  Viola!  My frog portrait for 2016!

I've added an extra photograph of just the amazing shapes on the water which reminded me of a Hundertwasser painting.  I talked a great deal on Sunday of the need for patience in photography and it really paid off here.  And I needed patience watching the DNC too.  The rowdy Sanders crowd has calmed down and last night was amazing watching Hillary get the nomination of president of the United States.  History was made and that glass ceiling has a huge crack in it now!  About time too.

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