Back to play school!!

The craft group today were doing salt dough modelling. Not something that I’ve done before or was enthusiast about doing today, but it was great fun.
I made the basket in the session and had left over dough which I used to make the sheep when I got home. They are on the tray ready to bake at 60 degrees (as low as you can get) for several hours. At a later date they will be painted then varnished.
Whilst we were “playing”, it brought back memories of play group in Fochabers when R was little. I helped out with the activities, one of which was making biscuits. The plan was for the children to make the dough and cut out the shapes, before taking them home to bake for Daddy!!!
The colour of the finished biscuit was “grey” with added “things”. Health and safety wasn’t high on the agenda in those days and I hate to think of what they may have contained!!
Most Mums were informed in advance and would make safe biscuits to serve to Dad at tea time. No Father was knowing harmed in the eating of the play school biscuits!!
This dough is not for eating as the ratio of flour to salt is 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, plus ¾ cup water and ½ teaspoon of oil.


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