USA election fever

Not only are we watching wall to wall coverage of this on TV when we have some downtime (fascinating) but there are many entrepreneurs capitalizing on it too.  In Boston we saw a beggar with a sign 'Give me a dollar or I will vote Trump', and here in a bagel place, options to place your tip.  

Trump was winning.

We learned today that Ben has passed (just} his Grade 8 clarinet exam so we celebrated with a meal at his choice of restaurant - NOSH, a burger joint near the hotel that has featured on 'Man vs Food.....'*sigh*.  (I'm thinking that those of you who do not live in a teenage male dominated household may happily never have heard of this program). .

We are all stuffed, nevertheless I'm pleased to report that the deep fried macaroni cheese burger bun- with the burger inside as per usual - has defeated even Ben.  

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