Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


The ever-increasing burden of woes was becoming too much to bear so I thought I would buy the lawyer a coffee. Obviously I cannot afford to engage the lawyer to file suits against the Greek Government, the Greek Tax Office, the Greek National Insurance scheme, the Vote Leave campaigners, the Sony Corporation and Owners' Direct, but we could at least discuss the injustice of it all over a coffee and a biscuit. The lawyer is a colourful character and can usually bring a smile to my face no matter what. But not any more. He is a beaten man. Greek lawyers have been on strike for seven months and they have lost. The government has ridden roughshod over them. There is no justice any more. I left in tears.
Now I understand when Wolfgang Schäuble said “Elections change nothing”.
Now I understand when democrats say “A vote for Clinton is a vote for Trump”.
Big business has control over governments and that is that. I must pay next year's income tax in advance of next year's earnings because some company somewhere wants to keep its shareholders happy. And Sony doesn't have to replace my camera because shareholders are more valuable than customers.

Well, I have re-loaded my drawing program and it works and that will keep me happily entertained for weeks.

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