Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

INCONNU?? Going Postal

At some point I registered the original Sony DSC-HX20V with Sony Support UK. When I purchased the new Sony DSC-HX60 I registered that with Sony Support UK too. A short while after it failed I received an email from Sony Support UK asking me to review the product so I did. I said that I had loved it but that it had lasted only five weeks. Shortly after submitting my review I was informed that my review did not fit their criteria and it would not be published. How handy! I asked them if they could help me and was told that since I had not purchased it in UK there was nothing they could do. I wasn't surprised.

If you live on an island, Greek customer services for just about anything have an appalling reputation. I had purchased the camera online from a warehouse with no postal address so felt I had no option but to return the camera to Sony HQ in Tokyo. Their postal address is written on the box in which the camera came and is also up there online for all to see. I posted it recorded delivery on 4th May and the tracking service told me it arrived on 23rd May. I awaited eagerly to hear something. Weeks and months went by. I stopped feeling a frisson of excitement when venturing to the post office to collect my mail. In desperation I contacted Sony Support Greece who, unlike any other Sony support facility actually have a toll-free phone number up there online for all to see. I called them and they gave me the number for my nearest support centre in Larisa. I called Larisa and was told that they could help me if I got the camera back from Tokyo. And how was I to do that? I asked. Send a courier they said. Fat chance I thought.

I contacted Sony Support USA who told me to contact Sony Support Greece, despite the fact that I had told them I had already done that. Then I was ignored.

And then miraculously, out of the blue, my original package was returned unopened to the little Post Office in Glossa labelled INCONNU.
INCONNU?? The Japanese Post Office does not know how to find Sony HQ in Tokyo? Was everybody crouching behind their desks?

When Malala Yousafzai was in hospital in Birmingham, a get well card from somewhere in the world was delivered to her and the only address was “The girl shot in the head, Birmingham”.
Spouseman's brother-in-law once received a letter at his house and the only address on the envelope was “Sean, Taxi driver, 7 miles from the beach, Tralee”. 
My brother used to work for the Royal Mail and once told me of a postcard that was delivered to the correct house in Bolton from Benidorm and the only address was “Frank & Marjory”
But the Japanese Post Office cannot find Sony when their full postal address is written on the envelope? Shame on you!

The date stamp on the back of the box tells me it began its return journey on 24th May. It took 19 days to reach Tokyo and 66 days to get back to Glossa. I suspect it was put on a boat.

Either way, on Monday it will be hand delivered to Sony Support in Larisa and we'll see if they can wriggle out of that.

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