Murder at the Concert

This evening we went over to Elizabeth Park to hear the band and meet some of our friends from the Alzheimer's group. We got there early and were concerned that nobody else would come because there was a presentation we didn't attend this afternoon. But soon Judy and John showed up and we all shared the food we brought and had a lovely time talking and sipping bubbly. Later Cathy and Mike showed up and joined the party. The band was a swing band and I really liked the music.

The party broke up fifteen minutes to eight and we headed back to the car. As we went I heard the cacophony of many crows in a tree on the corner of the park. There was an entire murder up there, singing along with listening to the band. They were making quite a racket and were flying in and out of the group. They seemed to be a bird version of the crowd of people below who were also running around (the little ones), talking, enjoying the music, and having a grand time.  

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