
I think I'm losing my blip mojo a little. Maybe it's partly to do with tiredness, maybe it's partly to do with still recovering from being poorly, I don't know. But I'm losing the focus and drive to take even snaps on my phone of the boys at the moment so today you get a picture that's going in this month's craft pack!

Today has been a panic get-the-packs-finished day, and I've been SO grateful for the sling. Charley has been grumpy and in order to be able to reach anything I've got him up on my back. I'm not sure what I did differently with Ben but somehow Ben never got wrapped on my back. He always wanted to be on my front, and wanted boob even in the sling, but Charley just wants to be held. He doesn't want milk to go to sleep on during the day. So I am HUGELY glad of the wrap! Managed to get most of everything done anyway, will have to pop out to the shop for envelopes in the morning!

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