Moulin Rouge

Really good nights sleep last night.......raring to go this morning, up showered and out down town for a walk, a paper, a coffee and a chat :-)

Then back home with fresh bread for dippy eggs, we both had a double yoker too ;-)

The,plan was to spend the rest of the day tidying the garden as it has been a bit neglected because of the rain showers lately!!

No sooner had we decided, it clouded over, again!!!!! we've done some tidying and deadheading but it was actually quite chilly,when the sun wasn't out......and I really didn't want to have to put a jumper on!!!

I saw two butterflies in the garden, a cabbage white and a meadow brown......rushed indoors grabbed the camera.......both gone when I got back outside... Grrrrr! So this fly on my moulin Rouge Astrantia will have to do :-/

Typical of late, it's now a bright evening but way too late to be going,into,the garden :-(

We had pan fried haddock, with butter, lemon and capers, with sliced potatoes cooked in a splash of chilli oil, roasted in the oven and petit poise..oh and a couple of tomatoes from the greenhouse. All rather delicious even if I say so myself :-)

Tonight our friends daughter and husband, whose wedding we went to in Rhodes are having their blessing celebration round about now, hope it's all going well Gemma and Ben x

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