Jackie French

Wow, what a thrill for Walking Wombat and CCN today.  We were both delighted to meet Jackie French AM in person, (see yesterday's journal).  

I didn't think anyone could love Wombats more than me, however today I think I met my match.  It was wonderful to hear Jackie speak so fondly of my favourite Aussie animal.  I have just subscribed to Jackie's regular newsletter and to all of my blip buddies who have little people in their life I can highly recommend you do the same.  Just go to this link on Jackie's Website.

CCN's little granddaughters will be travelling up from Melbourne in about three weeks and visiting us at Wombat Hollow for the very first time.  We are very happy to say we can now present them with the entire Jackie French Wombat Book Collection (kindly signed by the author of course).

We also renewed our acquaintance with one of our Shipley Plateau neighbours, Margaret Hamilton AM and her husband Max.  Margaret and Max live at Pinerolo.  "The Children’s Book Cottage is the home for children's books in New South Wales.  Pinerolo promotes Australian picture books and their creators, educates children and adults about picture books, provides a venue for the exhibition of original artwork from picture books and brings people interested in picture books together in an inspiring environment".

We were like two kids in a toy shop and were absolutely enchanted by the cottage and its contents.  Margaret has the most incredible collection of children's books and is thrilled to have just published two books in her own right.  I can highly recommend you subscribe to Pinerola's newsletter as well.  I was very interested to know that you can actually stay in the cottage and while you're there spend your time working through the hundreds of children's books that are on display.  

I think you can tell we REALLY enjoyed our visit.

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