Off to the tip!

Trip number one to the tip and we got rid of the old carpet and underlay. I reckon it will take a few more tips until we are rid of everything as we persuaded Leo into a huge cull of his toys too. Some will head to the charity shop but he has hung onto some real rubbish that I fear are only fit for recycling!

Leo had a lazy day to recover from all his footballing exertions. I thought I'd try a longish plod to see if my foot was up to it and plodded to the library and back for a cuppa. That is only about 6k steps but it looks like I had best stick to shorter plods for a while longer as it was painful and swelled up. At least the magic ibruprofen gel sorted it as soon as I sat down and put it up.

It looks like the weather might not be so great for next week when Ian is off work with Leo so we may need to head out somewhere on Sunday to make the most of the nice weather in case they are stuck indoors for lots of next week.

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