Classy and fabulous

This shot is again inspired by Rae, or more specifically by a Coco Chanel quote I saw a while ago. It made me smile and wish that Raenbow was with me; I knew she'd like it too.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

~Coco Chanel~

I left the green leaf in for some reason. Not sure why. I just liked it.

It's pretty gross outside, so Cousteau, Pio, Bosco and I are are all chilling out in the lounge with a spot of daytime telly and a bit of photography work to sort out.

I'm looking forward to doing a workout in a wee bit (once I'm warm enough to get changed!), then a dog walk and dinner with Rae and anyone else who feels like joining us - maybe Q and B. :-)

Here's to Fridays, rain, daytime telly and best friends!

Have a great weekend everyone.

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