Here's Looking at You, Kid

Among this day's treats: a morning visit with our beloved hummingbirds in the backyard, a fun shopping trip at TJ Maxx (that resulted in a new pair of Crocs coming home with me!), and a lovely lunch out - cheesesteaks and fries at C.C. Pepper's in State College. And rain, beautiful rain, at last. It was a good day.  :-)

More about the hummingbirds: there are four hummingbirds that are regular visitors to our feeder. This is one of the males; you can tell it's a ruby throat male by the bright-colored gorget. In this photo, he seems to be looking right at me, as though to say, a la Humphrey Bogart, "Here's looking at you, kid!"

The quote above is from Casablanca, of course. And so the soundtrack is: Bertie Higgins, with Key Largo.

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