Dog walking chat

Liked the light on the clouds as I came back from football this evening. After last week's success I could have predicted that this week wouldn't be as good, but couldn't really have predicted the nature of our demise. Having ridden our luck / keeper performed heroics, we looked to have scored two decisive late goals to clinch it, only to concede four in the last few minutes - the last after 7pm, but before the next game had called for time - to lose by the odd goal. Disappointing having scored a couple of good ones myself - our first when I finished off a good move with a shot into the corner and then our last when I hit a sweet volley first time into the net after the ball ricocheted out to me after a corner. All for naught in the end as our defence seemed to panic when all we needed was to keep possession. Perhaps they had lost track of the score. Ah well, there's always next week!

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