Tiny Tuesday - feather

A fairly ordinary feather but it is tiny -  only 2cm long. I found it on the bird table sticking to the side of the jar of sugar water. I suspect it came from a sparrow as they seem to think I am putting out the sugar water for their benefit and sometimes have little scraps over whose turn it is.

A huge thanks to all those people who helped me with suggestions on how to better control my camera when out walking. I have been googling them today and to my bafflement, there are a multitude of types and styles including some for men and some for women (easy, that one) and even one for left handed folk (I am). A wide range of designs and prices as well, even within the Black Rapid range.

In a cunning move, I rang the camera shop in Nelson, explained my needs and left them to do the research as to what would be best. I never knew these sort of accessories existed and find it hard to imagine how they are used without seeing them in action. I am very grateful for those who offered an answer from their own experiences - it is good to know that there is a way around the problem. Blip friends to the rescue.

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