M Shed

Another day in limbo as we await more details, confirmations, any news on our proposed house move.

The boys and I went for a walk around the docks. It must be one of Bristol's finest walks (I consulted with the boys before making this claim).

We popped into the M Shed for a plaster and some refreshments and a cultural top up..

I love the way that this view is framed by the windows. The ladies provided a good silhouette opportunity.

We paid a quick visit to the Arnolfini to an exhibition which went some way over my head and then spent some happy time at the Olympic Live site at Millennium Square to see Alun Campbell take the sculling bronze. People were really getting into it and the atmosphere was great - families, people popping out of the office for lunch, all sorts of people...

To the library this afternoon. We're all booked up for the near future.. Marvellous.

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