Pont D'Arc

Well, it is spectacular and it is popular. Having said that, an early arrival meant it was reasonably quiet. We all had a swim but obviously were wary of passing under an arch which may collapse in the next few tens of thousands of years.

We then followed the road up through the gorge which is pretty spectacular and had CYCLE ME written all over it!

A tootle around Vallon Pont D'Arc and more swimming in the river. There may have been ice cream, beer and campsite taboulé later.

Son #1 has found a friend and is pretending that we don't exist! He is happy though and currently learning the art of table tennis from a ten year old French boy who looks like he already rides mopeds and smokes cigarettes.

Mighty warm here tonight. Come back breeze.

I need to catch up on saying thanks to all the lovely people who sent me conblipulations on 1000 photos. I will get there!

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