Dyson in bits

And I got it all back together again but it still did not work. Calamity on Saturday, the vacuum just stopped working while being used. A bit of jiggling around of the power cable got it working again but it soon stopped.

Dilemma - do we repair or cut losses on a 16 year old machine. A quick loook on YouTube and a trot into town for a T15 screwdriver enabled me to take it apart just like shown on the video and surprisingly, to get it all back together again. I think it must be to do with the cable on the retractor. Now, do I go along the lines of buying a multimeter to test the cable (which I should have done in town) and then possibly buy a new cable retractor, or do I take it to a repair shop or do I get a new one?

Answers on a postcard please!

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