Ballet Slippers

It was an ordinary sort of day, cloudy this morning after lots of overnight rain. It slowly cleared up and I spent some time in my garden, weeding and chopping back the jungle of marigolds which have grown to Triffid proportions. I harvested all the carrots which I grew from seed. There were only six as I didn't recognise them as they were sprouting and I pulled out a lot before I realised they weren't weeds. I visited B-I-L then went to a girlfriend's for coffee. Food shopping on the way home then started to dismantle my studio. Hubby wants to take up the floorboards on the weekend to look for a leak in the pipes. This will be a good time to sort through my art supplies and maybe even throw some things out. Unlikely, though.
I took lots of macro shots in the garden this evening. No critters around except a sparrow that was trying to impersonate a humming bird. It was flapping its wings like mad, making a lot of noise level with the bird feeder opening. It then flopped onto the ground and pecked at the fallen seed. I think it was a youngster that hasn't quite got its skills right.
I bought a hanging fuchsia for the window sill a couple of weeks ago at my sister's suggestion and it is a mass of blooms. I always think that the anthers look like ballet slippers.

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