Blooming Marvellous!

You may remember our disappointment when the new neighbours behind us ripped all the trees and bushes out of their garden not long after moving in.

Last summer our garden was a butterfly haven thanks to the buddleia bush in their garden, so we bought a buddleia earlier this year in the hope of attracting the butterflies again. It's done really well and obviously likes where we've planted it and is now in full bloom.

My plan has worked and this morning I watched as lots of butterflies were chasing one another round the garden and then kept landing on the buddleia. My camera was already packed in the car ready for our trip, so I had to make do with my phone, but I'm really pleased that I captured my first Peacock butterfly on it.

We left home just before 2pm and it's now 6.30pm and we're still driving - this has to be one of the worst journeys up North we've had! So much traffic and stopping and starting, and we've still got another 40 miles to go. Karen said the Prosecco is on chill, we'll definitely be ready for it!

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