Where's Harry?

Major event of the day has to be that earlier this evening, and with all doors open in this heat, Harry found his way down the three flights of stairs and through the main front door in to the garden, and unlike yesterday, he stayed there.  At almost a year old he's always been terrified of "outside" before so a significant achievement for the little chap.  Brave boy.  I watched him explore and meet and greet other kitties - seemed to form a bit of a new friendship with Megan, little black and white campus kitty. (The out-of-focus photo was taken some time later, from the kitchen window and is rubbish, but this event simply has to be recorded in my journal!)  He was of course, back indoors for tea before the street lights came on. :)  *proud momma*

In other, even less earth shattering news, I am relieved to say that after three days of slow and weary box unpacking in this humidity and heat, I finally finished sorting the kitchen.  Everything now has a place and there's a place for everything - all clean and tidy, looking good.  I almost feel like cooking ... 

A lovely afternoon in the garden of Bizim Tepe (extra pic) with friend and colleague Deniz-the-music, catching up with the last five weeks of news. 

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