
I'm sure I've blipped them before but they'll do for today. They are indeed survivors of the earthquakes.

I've felt cold all day starting with the bike ride to work. Not only did we have a hard frost but a southerly wind as well. It was frigid. All that was showing of my face was my glasses and eyes.

My team has been engrossed in a block of work for many weeks. We're nearing the end and we'll be glad when it happens. Much of the time it's intense concentration so I was glad to try something out this afternoon that worked well and had a fun factor. Strictly speaking that's for the next sprint of work.

Dinner was delivered to my friends and I've made a big pot of chicken and vegetable soup. The kitchen is mostly cleaned up but there's still a bit to do.

Before I get completely distracted by the Olympics I shall press on. I'm not sure what the feeling cold all day business was about and I'd rather give my body the chance of a good sleep.

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