Noises on

One of those days getting yourself resorted into ordinary life. Caught up with a load of emailing and some domestic stuff. Got to see an extra Fringe show which I was going to - because Mr A isn't up to it at present. He's caught my cold, and he's now in the throes of it. Hopefully he'll be well enough tomorrow to come along to something I'm chairing.

Anyway, I went along with my friend Lampis - here from Greece for three weeks or so, but sadly lacking his luggage (boo hiss) - to see some samurai drummers. Pretty impressive, although the show was quite short. Here they are celebrating the ending. Most of the way through their faces are utterly impassive.

At one point, the man did a solo. I wondered whether it was improvised, or whether every bit of it was choreographed. In some ways, the whole thing seemed to be utterly the opposite of free range jazz. Interesting, but not something I would want to see every day.

Cycling up there was a nightmare. When did you say we got our city back?

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