MonoMonday 133 Touch

 This week our excellent host  for August, JDO,  has given us the sense of Touch as our theme.  It was going to be one of the cats  as the subject today as I was rather short on time but  I confess that this is not the shot that I had imagined I might take: even when presented with meaty sticks and a large bag of Dreamies, there was a distinct lack of interest  from any of our three to pose properly for me, so this is the best of a mediocre bunch.
Cats do fulfil the challenge brief in that I find their fur very tactile, although I appreciate that not everyone would agree with me.  Secondly, cats have  very acute senses: sight, hearing smell, and of course touch, which  is enhanced by the long whiskers that protrude from their heads and bodies.

'A cat has approximately 24  vibrissae, or whiskers.  These vibrissae aid sensation and navigation. The upper two rows of whiskers are able to be moved independently from the lower two rows for greater precision during measurement. A cat's whiskers are more than twice as thick as ordinary cat hairs, and their roots are three times deeper in a cat's tissue than other hairs. They have numerous nerve  endings at their base, which give cats extraordinarily detailed information about nearby air movements and objects with which they make physical contact. They enable a cat to know that it is near obstacles without it needing to see them.'
  So now you know!

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