Wee Mannie

The Wee Mannie moves from place to place around the centre of Aberdeen. He is now not far from where he was intended to be in the Castlegate piazza. He now stands on a traffic island, next to a bus stop, and between the Sheriff's Court and the High Court. The plinth on which he stands is in need of some attention, both to clean it up and to remove the vegetation. I don't know if the lantern works, I doubt it, I decided to "turn it on" in Photoshop.

We had to attend the High Court to present an application to be excused from jury duty. This is the second time in a few months that a citation to attend for jury duty has coincided with an absence from Aberdeen. It seems they think we live here, when for much of the summer we are out of the country. The application to be excused was accepted with remarkably little hassle and took only a few minutes. I expect they will send another citation, and will probably be successful next time.

There will be people who think the scaffolding around the tower of the Town House is only temporary. I cannot remember how long it has been there, but it must be well over a year, maybe a couple of years.

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