The one that didn't get away

I can recall having seen at least 4 Red Admirals since  I blipped one in June but they all flew off again before I could to point my camera in their direction. This afternoon I saw another one and this time I managed to take some photos as it not only sat still considerably longer, but it also kept coming back to the same area several times.

At first though I didn't think I was going to get anywhere this time either because the butterfly had initially landed on the only bit of plastic in the whole area and every time the sun disappeared, so did the Red Admiral. Fortunately I was able to remove the bit of plastic while it was gone and when both the sun and the butterfly reappeared, I finally managed to take a few litter-free photos.

Luck was definitely on my side this afternoon as I was also able to get a few shots of a Speckled Wood, which was visiting the same area. I have posted one of them as extra.

I've only realised today that yesterday's blip was my 1460th! I knew it was getting closer but I didn't think it was that close already. Where has the time gone?! It definitely doesn't feel like it has been 4 years since I started this journal. So much has changed since then, the biggest change of all being the loss of my mother. In those 4 years, some blips have been found quite easily while others were quite a struggle. Sometimes even to the point that I did consider not posting an entry every day anymore. To this day I have managed to avoid that though and hopefully I can continue to do so for as long as possible because I fear I may be tempted to give up on it altogether if I lose the habit of posting on a daily basis.

All that remains for me to do now is thank not only all of you who have visited my journal, left comments, stars and hearts on my blips, but especially everyone at blipcentral for all their efforts.

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