Group Photo

There is always at least one person with their eyes closed but no matter. This is the group I am painting with and our favorite model Jennifer. Finally I am settling into the class and today went much better than the first three days. Wednesday is often the hardest day. You haven't quite got it and you are getting tired from all that brain use. I almost crashed yesterday but thanks to "twenty deep breaths" I recovered. That is a kind of meditation where you find a comfortable spot and close your eyes. You think to yourself, "I am going to take twenty deep breaths and when I'm done it will be as if I had taken a refreshing nap." I did that and counted the twenty breaths. I was refreshed and ready to get on with the day when I finished the breaths.

Today's class worked very well. We did several short poses to decide which to use for longer poses. We did three hour long poses with a break every twenty minutes so Jennifer would not collapse in a heap. Since I had an idea what they were I could organize my painting accordingly. It worked well and I am much more satisfied with the result.

After class I went for a swim in the pool. It had gotten hot here and the swim felt wonderful. Tonight I am one of the servers at dinner. Then we will hear two more talks by teachers. I talked to Helena, and though Arvin is still a bit disoriented, he is doing okay. She spent four hours with him today and brought things with her to read to him. She has got this so I am not worried or upset any more. What a relief and how wonderful that she can be there for her dad.

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