
By witchcreations

Bad parenting

Little un looked like she needed new shoes...We went to get her feet measured and sure enough, she's grown. Funky new sparkly trainers have been procured, but it got me thinking? Is her height and weight on track? We've never built up a relationship with the health visitor, and our family doesn't really prioritise weight... (If you eat enough veggies, don't drink too much and your legs can push your belly up hill without undue concern, why weigh yourself? ) But what about little un? ... Always a tiddler, is she on track? We have a height chart on the wall and on this she's on centile, but definitely a squirt (like so many others in the family) but Weight wise, should I be concerned?

An ikea bag and a luggage scale soon cured any fears I had... Following her centile path perfectly... A crude but strangely fun way of measuring your child's weight..,

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