Miss you

Today is the glorious 12th.

3 years since my lovely mam was called home. I miss her every day.

This year due to family comitments, school exam results, school starting times, flight costs and accomodation costs, we've come on holiday a little earlier than normal so we are away for this day.

Its been an ok day, we've had another adventure, we're increasing our getting good. Today after catching the wally train we took a real train to Malaga to the football stadium. We had a tour, it was quite impressive. It only holds 30,000 but it looked as good as wembley. We didn't see anybody famous but it was a good trip.

Next stop the cathedral. Very fitting for today, i wanted to light a candle. It must be different now because there was no flame! You put money in the box and the candle light lights, battery or whatever, i don't know. Anyway, the thought was there. I also lit one for a friend who is having a struggle at the minute. Mine is the 6th candle from the left. I sat in the quiet and said a little prayer for my mam. And others missing theirs.

"Your life was a blessing
Your memory a treasure
You are loved beyond words
And missed beyond measure"

It was a beautiful cathedral, the carvings in the wood fantastic.

We ventured back on the train, had a ride up the hill in the wally train and back for a swim at our appartment.

Tomorrow is another day, wonder what adventure we'll have tomorrow.

Night mam. Love you and miss you. Xx

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