Another Day at the AOG...

...the alternate Olympic Games.

There were 8 competitors in the 200 meter all animal species final. A tortoise, a hare, the alligator that used to pose for LeCoste, a green heron, a Shetland pony, a Shetland sheepdog, and these two.

In the Olympic zone...
they met at the cone,
just after the peli...
had snarfed a calzone.

The cat at the cone,
was trying to atone...
for her last race...
she was badly outshone.

The peli looked like he was cast in stone,
and the cat at the cone was not to atone.
Neither of them...
could hold their own.

In 4 years, the peli at the cone...
will try again...with more testosterone.
And, how about the kitty in the zone?
She'll end up cheating...using growth hormones.

How'd the race go? The Shetland pony and sheepdog had hair in their eyes and couldn't see, the green heron found a tree branch and just sat there, the gator ate the hare, and the tortoise toddled home for the gold.

These two never left the starting line,
frozen like an Olympic shrine.

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