A Wet Day for The Race . . . . . . .

 . . . . . . . no, not the Human Race, but the Oban Raft Race, organised as usual by the Oban & Lorn Lions Club. It was raining when I got up, but had eased off to a steady downpour by the time I set off for Downtown Oban.

I took pictures and chatted to friends - the whole of Oban and her visitors was lining the harbour railings - and took a lot of pictures, one or two of which I'll try to persuade the Oban Times to print, although they did have their own photographer there, rather conspicuous in a bright tweed suit and tie with an Oban Times Lanyard round his neck! The rain, which began as soon as the eight rafts set off, rather hampered photography but bothered the padders and observers not one bit!

They paddled out and around three buoys anchored off the North Pier and back to the beach. First home, again, was the RNLI raft, seen here coming home in front of the Real Thing. The lifeboat and a host of other rescue craft were on hand, but were not needed as only one raft sank and the shipwrecked mariners were picked up by a passing competitor, which was very noble of them!

My extra is a trio of Likely Lions Lads in the Lions stall. (I've put a second extra on of the one raft that sank. The skipper seems to be making the most of it - he was towed back to the beach!)

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