Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Pollinating Qualifications begin

Today's report is coming to you from hot and humid NJ where the heat index is currently 103F and climbing.  And while this is lovely weather for pollinators, it's a bit like hell for your intrepid AOG reporter.  So, I am taking the rest of the day off and spending it indoors where the air conditioning is keeping things pleasant ... 

However, I did want to file today's report showing the star of Team Swallowtail's Pollinating Squad.  Here you see her in a very intense practice session this morning.  She told me that she was slightly concerned about having points taken off for having gotten pollen on the underside of her costume, but we shall see if the judges even notice.  She was a little perturbed that a member of Team Monarch also showed up, but he didn't stay long, probably just checking out the competition.  And Team Bee is playing their strategy very close to the vest at the moment - I expect more will be revealed tomorrow.

P-Hummie has recovered from his embarrassing mishap of yesterday and was seen zooming at high speeds through the yard arena barking out orders.  Most of the other competitors are staying indoors where it's cool - perhaps they'll come out later.  And, Team Great Golden Digger was back today, this time with two more team members, all tidying up their tunnels.  Sure hope we can persuade them to join in the Games...

In human news... Hubs is off racing this weekend in southern NJ - where it is, if possible, even hotter.  He promises that he is taking in loads of liquids.  He races late this afternoon in an hour-long series and it will be ferociously hot in the racecar, so he also has a water pack hooked up to his helmet so he can suck down some water during the race.  

Monarch Diaries:  I ordered a really cool butterfly enclosure online and it arrived today.  I immediately set it up and moved all 29 tiny 1st and 2nd instar cats into it.  The other 14 larger cats are all getting ready to J in their smaller enclosures, so I'll just leave them where they are.  And #10 did his Chrysalis conversion early this morning (I missed it - but when I checked, he was a shiny green orb, rather than a stripey green caterpillar.)  I've promised the 14 that we'll have a second Chrysalis competition just for them - they were totally excited and started pooping even faster than usual.  Oh boy.

Don't forget to check out all of today's great reports at AOG13 - laughs, tears, thrills, chills - the AOG has it all!


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