It was a surprise to see the donkey team walking through the door of their stable.
Till now I had not known that they had want to participate in the Games.
I love donkeys, but they are so phlegmatic and laid back, I never see them run or jump, would they like to tell me in what division they would like to excell?
That they did not want to tell. They kept simply their eyes upon me, followed me along the wires, and as I had nothing to offer them (a sign told me it is forbidden too) they turned their back upon me.
You may think that I am only interested mainly in individuals and not so much in teams. But the fact is that the weather had kept the teams away.
For instance this morning the butterfly teams, the dagpauwogen and the koolwitjes, came to the buddleia extercise ground.
For a moment their peace seemed to be disturbed by a big dragonfly, that came wildly flying around the bush. I was concerned that something terrible could happen, but then the invader was gone again.
The peacock butterflies I noticed, are really individuals, they all do their exercises alone on a branch, the common white butterflies are constantly communicating and coordinating, whirling around each other.
I stood and watched it with joy.
I also saw one of team Robin, and so funny, one of the tiny hoppers landed in my hair.
My extra photo shows a portrait of one of the donkeys.

Many thanks to dbifulco for hosting the Alternative Olympic Games.

Tomorrow it will be the last day for posting a picture for the Derelict Sunday Challenge, that I am hosting in the month August.
The tag will be #DS43. I am looking forward to see all the photos.

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