Poodle Party

Today was the yearly kennel puppy reunion at a dog club near where my poodle family lives. Yay!! I love poodle reunions! Luckily, the sun was shining, and even better, my best friend Dolly was coming with me! Wow! How cool is that?! Dolly was specially invited by my kennel mum, and everyone was so exited to meet her.

Our mums made picnic sandwiches and eggs and we also packed cinnamon buns and chairs and blankets. We got there just before the gate was closed. Twenty-five or so poodles, from small toys to big miniatures, in every shade of black and brown and grey, were there. And one apricot! After the gate had closed, we were allowed to run free.

It was poodle heaven! We played and ran and chased and wrestled and played some more. We begged other dogs' people for food. We fell in love. We had picnic with our mums. Me and my sister looked exactly like each other, so everyone kept calling me Nora. Dolly was the big star and just blew everyone away! She even got her own Facebook entry on the kennel page!

Exhausted just begins to describe what we were when we got back home. The humans had takeout sushi and me and Dolly celebrated her sixteen years and eleven months birthday with Lickin' Liver ice cream with marshmallow Santa pieces sprinkled on top. Amazing!

Dolly's journal: https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2211576324005302101

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