Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Front of House

Top Gun has taken up mountain biking and stood outside in his gear and let me blip him.

Today was a doing day, in particular we decided to get the jet wash out and give the front of the house a good clean. We were (quite literally) blown away by the amount of dirt we shifted but we also had a very sociable time. First off young Miss Bear came by with a friend and her staffie, which was very friendly and wanted to be pals with Dylan (who played it cool). Then our neighbours opposite to the left came by and told us about their party last night, which was noisy ("disco disco, good good", if you get the film reference) but they don't do it very often so we are quite forgiving. Anyway TSM said it still wasn't as loud as my snoring. That was for Mrs K's birthday on Thursday.

Then our neighbours to the right stopped to chat and we found out it was Ms V's birthday yesterday. 

Then our neighbours opposite came over and we found out that young Miss M was twelve today. What are the odds, three neighbours, three birthdays, three days in a row.

The jet washing took ages because we became obsessive. It was not without its moments; I forgot to connect the hose when I turned it on and the thing was whirling about sending water everywhere over the front drive. "At least it wasn't indoors when you turned it on" said TSM, and at that very moment (under the impulse of the water) it snaked 'round and flew back in through the window, spraying water all around the snug. 

After clearing that lot up I mowed the grass as well so we sat in the garden with a cup of tea and reflected on our efforts and on the fact that we had had a very good weekend ...

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