Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Rocky Road

Three hours late thanks to delayed departure but here is the big fella, back again. Had a fantastic week with his sister in Canada by all accounts, loved the country and the people and really enjoyed his time with The Girl Racer. Bought us some lovely rocky mountain vegan chocolate. 

Big announcement at work today, not unexpected, another lot of change coming over the next few months. The NHS is famous for it. I have the luxury of being able to sit back and, this being the fourth big reorganisation in fifteen years, not having to lead it. The first one we did on the back of a fag packet but with no redundancies (this was in the days when the NHS had money); the second one was properly project managed and there were a few (mostly willing) casualties; the last was done in detail with lawyers making lots of money, politicians talking complete nonsense, and was nasty, brutish and far from short. This one seems to be being done with thought, intelligence and a vision. Hope it lands butter side up.

A bit sad domestically as our old cat tigger seems to be on her last legs. As I speak she is curled up in a box with a blanket and uncharacteristically quiet; everything about her reminds me of the last days of Aged P. She might still surprise me and appear by the food bowl tomorrow noisy and refreshed. I'll be surprised if that's the case. Just hope we don't have to do the trip to the vet as I hate putting animals through that. 

We'll see what tomorrow brings ...

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