Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The beginning of the end

Last night we watched the opening of the Olympic Games, which we'd missed on our Fraser Island trip. G had it on her computer. It was brilliant. So glad to have caught up with the rest of the world!

Also meant to say last night (too much champagne, obviously) at the fish and chip shop, we were asked if we'd like our fish 'grilled, battered or crumbed'. Imagine that happening in the UK, the home of fish'n'chips!!!

G was off back to Sydney this morning. We're sad to see her go - it's always great to catch up with her - but also because it signals the beginning of the end of our holiday in Noosa! :-(

G and JR had an early morning high speed walk down to the river, while I declined the invitation (even before it was proffered) and relaxed in front of Olympic coverage and did a bit of blipping. A much more sensible start to the day.

We went to the marina (shops, market stalls, pelicans - it's got it all) and spent an hour or so there before taking G to the Sunshine Coast Airport.

I did a bit of peli-stalking, a new sport I feel I have invented. People here barely glance at the pelicans. A bit of success, as Priscilla was up on the lamp, while Percy was over on the jetty by the restaurant, and Patrick was wafting around away up above, with a view to landing somewhere, possibly right by me.

I stood out on the jetty and had to keep swivelling my head around like a demented chook. I hope nobody was watching. I knew that if I looked at one, the other would take off. But no, they behaved today, and I got a couple of shots, without falling off the jetty, and without waiting around for an hour.

We had a coffee in the restaurant. By this time Percy and Patrick were on the jetty as usual. They must get fed there by the owner, as you could see they paid attention when they heard the owner's voice. I spent my time gazing at them close up. They have the biggest unblinking mesmerising eyes.

The restaurant had muzak, inevitably, so as soon as I heard the band start up, I departed to more pleasing sounds on my sensitive lugs. I'd seen the band setting up, and noted the double bass, saxophone, guitars and not a banjo in sight, so they looked promising. The Chardonnay Sippers. I liked them already!

They were excellent, and we would have stayed there all morning had we not been going to the airport. It was most pleasant. My blip is of a lady who could contain herself no longer and leapt up during a calypso number and had a dance around on her own. She was from Slovakia many moons ago, she said, and could never resist dancing since she was a wee girl.

It was hard to take a decent photo there, because of the extreme light and shade, but luckily when she was dancing, she was all in the shade.

Dropped G off at the airport, and came back to the wonderful Sunshine Beach Surf Club for lunch.

When we got back to Noosa we passed the AFL grounds, and there were teams there. We turned in, hoping to catch a game in action. But no, it had just finished. It's an amazing game, very Aussie, and I've been hoping to get an action blip of it. Will have to give up on that one.

PS the dancing lady had a pair of silly specs on! Those are NOT her real eyes!

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