Mono Monday - MM134 - SOUND

I like to have peace and quiet when I'm reading especially if it's something like this Digital Photography Masterclass book. Ever since I had a prolonged of labyrinthitis a few years ago I really struggle to concentrate if there are other sounds around and get easily distracted from the task at hand. No sound from me today as a new paperback has just arrived in the post for me to read and review. It's called The Harbour Master and is a detective novel set in Amsterdam to be published in November, I hope it's good.

Thanks to JDO for hosting this month's Monday Monday other entries can be found here.

A note from osuzanna about tomorrow's Tiny Tuesday : "There are 5 Tuesdays in August and this week I (osuzanna) have some unexpected travel so I think it might be a good week to have another round of “Blipper’s Choice,” where you will actually get to vote as to who should receive hearts for their Macro entries into Tiny Tuesday. I encourage all entrants to browse through the images that are posted with the tag TT64 and send your top two selections to me as a comment by no later than Thursday midnight Eastern Daylight time (US). I will post the results with my blip on Friday.
Be sure to use the tag TT64 and pass the word around."

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