Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Moments of Joy

One of the few nasturtiums in my garden (they are not as powerful as usual, not spreading as much either and I'm not sure quite why!)

Today has consisted of:

Time with Billy
Watching Olympics
Watching more Olympics
More time with Billy
Watching yet more Olympics

not necessarily in that order!

At church part of the sermon was about Moments of Joy.

When I thought about this I realised I don't tend to look for it but actually I have so much Joy (and so much to be thankful for!) in my life despite not having a lot of money at the moment and the problems with my knee!

Billy, especially when he's purring loudly beside me :)
The beauty of the flowers in my very small front garden
Being able to capture the wonderful world around me
Being part of this country, celebrating the medals in the Olympics right now!

What brings Joy into your life?

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