Pookie progress

On this beautiful sunny day Felix found the perfect spot to carry out her morning ablutions.

I got back from feeding the cats in time to give Lulabel and Mabel a lift to Balfron to catch the bus into Glasgow, the first leg of their journey back to France and a new adventure in Brittany.

Back at the house-sit, I managed to coax a hungry Pookie out of hiding to join me for lunch on the patio, but she was frightened by an approaching car and took off again.

In the evening I found her waiting to be fed in the greenhouse. Risking life and limb from her vicious claws I picked her up and carried her, kicking and screaming all the way, into the house and plonked her at her dish of tuna. She started eating, I ignored her, Minty ignored her... and she stayed in, joining me on the sofa, so I'm hoping that's the end of her shenanigans.

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