Small White

Lots of Butterflies and Bees enjoying the sunshine today.  They say (the weather forecasters that is) that this might be the last we see of the sun for a while - I do hope not??

I've not had  the most exciting of days, but a very productive one.  No photos taken till late afternoon when I went to 'the pond' to see if there was anything about - not much apart from the Small Whites, a beautiful Speckled Wood, plenty of bees, a family of Moorhen with young and a huge and very magnificent Emperor Dragon who patrolled 'the pond' for ages, but could I get a shot of him .........  sadly not.

Mr T went model flying, enjoyed himself and didn't lose a model.  It's been a whole week since his flying demo off the top of the stepladder and he's now almost back to full bounce mode!  Can't believe how lucky he was.

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