Portrait gallery

Another exciting and emotional day in Edinburgh.

First we had a workshop on some of Jackie Kay's poetry and also her memoir. It was really stimulating to share ideas with others. About 16 of us took part.

Then Jenny and I went to the National Portrait Gallery. There was a free exhibition and we were invited to vote for our favourite. The blip is mine. I love the strength of the mother protecting her children and their closeness as a family. I find it a moving and powerful image. I enjoyed this much more than the portrait exhibition we had to pay for, though the Rembranta stunned me as always.

We then dashed back to the book festival for the jolly encounter between Javkie Kay, Makar, and Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister. Yesterday the book festival director Nick Barlay was talking about how some politicians have different public and private persona. As examples he said in private Gordon Brown was cheerful, fun and jolly, whereas the public perceptions of him were the opposite. Nick said very few people came over the same in private and public, and Nicola Sturgeon was one of those rare people who did. She was so warm, generous and funny when speaking to Jackie about her life and work. I was impressed.

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