Three Generations

While OilMan, son Matt and grandson Will went off early to play golf Ozzie and I did the rounds at Spring Lake. He seems to have regained his zest for life and bounded into the red car when I opened the back for him. He even waited for me when I opened the back instead of charging off across the parking lot. Good dog….I took my camera with me, but I knew I already had my picture in the can when I made the guys pose for a picture before they left for their rendezvous with the diabolical little white ball. I would have loved to get a candid shot of them playing, but that would have meant trailing around the golf course with them, and it might have deprived Lady Findhorn from speculating on the family resemblances….

Acre Coffee was crowded and I was sitting outside at a table right next to two older men who spent the entire time talking about which pills they took for which part of their intestines and how well they worked. They were replaced by two fellows who were talking about advertising and budgets and how much it would take to make a commercial and how to find the right audience. Turns out they were starting up a marijuana company.

I met the golfers at VJB and told them over lunch how one of the marijuana growers said to the other, "It's just not a good idea to market gummy bears. That's just marketing to kids. No adult eats gummy bears…."
I could barely refrain from interrupting their conversation and saying that I knew quite a few adult people who  ate gummy bears, including me.  Matt, Will and OilMan all said they like them, but Matt's was the comment that we were all thinking. He said he liked gummy bears but preferred his without the pot….

Exhausted by their labors on the course the guys are now sprawled in the TV room in various stages of consciousness alternating watching platform diving in Rio and the Little League World Series in Pennsylvania. Who said men can't multitask?

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