Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Finished over at Thirsk earlier than expected so took a slow leisurely drive over to Patley Bridge thinking we could sit and drink coffee outside of our favourite pub and enjoy some of todays sunshine, how stupid am I! We arrived in the town just as the worst of the storm was over and as it happened the pub had shut its doors at three, to compensate I took a damp look around the MG car club rally on the show ground, last year they had a lovely day for it, this year, despite the rains, they seem to have enjoyed themselves, missed a lot of it as the less hardy among the exhibitors had packed up and left but there was still some lovely looking machines to peruse.
I arrived back home to find a flooded carpet on the lower ground floor, I don't think the drains had coped with the onslaught, it got me thinking that all told I actually had some decent weather today & seem to have missed most of what the weather gods had in store.

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