Sick little Foxy

Last night Foxy was a bit off, no idea what caused it but when I picked him up he yelped obviously in pain. He was a bit lethargic but that's nothing unusual for Foxy!
Marlane looked up the symptoms and it said to look for improvement over 2 days before going to the vet.
However, this morning he had not improved and I suspected that maybe he had something in his throat from the lamb leg bone yesterday. He doesn't splinter the bone itself but he does chew off the bits of gristle. He did eat his breakfast though but when we tried to look into his mouth he yelped again when his neck was bent upwards.
We decided the vet was required.
He had two painkiller injections as she suspected he had a sore neck for some reason but apart from that there was nothing obviously wrong. She wants to do an X-Ray in the morning if he hasn't improved overnight.
Fingers crossed for Foxy, he's still not happy but he has been out to the loo but not enthusiastic for food, not even for a bit of cooked chicken!!

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