Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

To The Dingleburn

Monday and the "B" Team. Great! We picked up acyclinggranny and off to Hawea we went. The Dindleburn is accessed via Timaru Creek where I am reliably told there is not a single sandfly to be found....They are all married with huge families. Right. So further up the access road we parked up, got out and walked. It was a magic day, not a breath of wind and the Boss and acycling granny were both clicking away on their G11/12's flat out. An hour and a half later we had reached a high point so stopped for lunch (theirs NOT mine) so I chewed on a stick and looked pathetic. Oh these guys are hard (or well trained by The Boss) so no tit bits were forthcoming so another walk back to the cars and then back to town and the Café. I am never invited to the Café but instead have ZZZZZ's in Suzz.
The road / track into this area follows along the side of a considerable mountain range on the right and Lake Hawea on the left and although there was fence climbing and all sorts of Bliptronic activity, light wins with The Boss every time and this was the second picture he took today. It conjures up all sorts of thoughts about the weather that simply were not true, on the left side anyway.
Go take a look at a cycling granny

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